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 VLTR KMBT (Album)
pacoinaction - The D (beat)
Sankofa - The Most Delicious Gold
pacoinaction - Whistleblower
pacoinaction - Color Shop Loop
pacoinaction - Every One Need Action
pacoinaction - About Sauce
pacoinaction - NEMESIS (beat tape)
BoomBaptist -  Komfort Food
pacoinaction - Inspired Ways
pacoinaction - Fear Itself
djproofbeatz -  Quarantine Slaps II (beat tape)
pacoinaction - Jazzy Moves (beat)
 Burnt Bakarak - Brother Birk Spanklin : Biblical Distortion Vol 1 (beat tape)
pacoinaction - Mystical Hunter (beat)
CHAMO BEATS - Dirty Pieces (beat tape)
pacoinaction - Don't walk away (beat)
Hero the Emcee - The 8th Letter (Album)
pacoinaction - Motion (beat)
pacoinaction - No one needs Shadows (beat)